Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Blurp Blop Bloop

We'll not consider what today means. Instead, here's a non-edited, slightly stoned, 100% stream of consciousness that was typed over the course of two minutes starting... NOW!

As I hit the enter key, "Stay Alive" (the last ED for Re:Zero) started playing. I'm thinking that I'm probably waning on favor of this song. It's a good song, no doubt, but I have a hunch I won't be listening to it in a week.

Speaking of a week, I came up with a hair brained scheme. In my 1:1 with my manager tomorrow, I'm going to pitch the idea of working remotely in Japan for 3-6 months. I think it'd effectively scratch that itch, because I do love that country so much. People talk about having home sickness, well I've had this feeling only a couple of times:

  • In 2008 when I was in college and about to leave back for Orlando following Christmas break
  • Every single God. Damned. Time I come back from Japan.

I don't know what it is about being over there that feels so right, but I want to have the opportunity to test if it's just me following the "high" of something new or if I really resonate with life over there that much.

Okay, so the timer went off while writing the above bit, but I had to finish it and added a couple of minutes. I suppose I can bullshit until it goes off...

Sheep are weird, right? They're both meat AND clothing. That's not weird, I suppose. Pigs and cows provide leather, after all. And that's like... a car delicacy.

Oh shit! The timer went off.

Alright, folks. Remember to drive safely and that drugs are bad, m'kay.