Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Days like this don't come too often...

Indeed, they don't. To start my day off I was awakened with the news that my copy of Zelda: The Minish Cap came. And on top of that I also got my first trial issue of Nintendo Power. Of course, this was all dampened by the news that American School sent me Geometry. Fun....

Okay, so that was all cool in and of itself (except the geometry). I then carried out my normal routine of checking ACC, YPN, and Slashdot. After that, being at a loss of what else to do, I decided to see if a verdict had been reached on the game contest I entered. I was expecting the "Judging is now taking place" message which has greeted me so many times in the last three weeks. But instead, there on the front page were screenshots of my game and in glorious, itilicized large font "Winner: TAttack". Now, you tell me that if that were to happen to you you wouldn't be a little eccstatic ;-). So I will now be awaiting my free copy of VB.NET standard (which, ironically, is the same promotional thing I got rid of just a couple months ago :-P). I plan on finding some sort of cheap .NET book at Gardener's this Saturday and selling the whole kit and kaboodle on eBay (just like last time). I'm not quite sure what I'll do with the money yet, but for the moment I'll think I stash it into savings for safe keeping until I pick up my copy of Zelda: Twilight Princess in Novemeber. Chances are, though, that I'll have a job by then and it won't be an issue.

This day was a long time in coming, and it'll be a long time till something like that happens again. But I'll be waiting ;-).