Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

It's official... I check people out for a living

And checking out hot babes is fun ;-). No, really. Yesterday my job code was officially changed to cashier so now, uhh.... it's official :-P. Today was my first 8 hour day doing cashier and what what a day it was. Standing in one spot and constantly leaning over to reach people's stuff takes a nasty toll on your back. And when you've been waiting 40 minutes for the managers to send you home it's even worse :-P. But, overall, I quite enjoy the job (a lot of button pushing ;-)). Tomorrow I work six hours and then, hallelujah, I'm off Monday and Tuesday :-D.

My 3D game programming book came the other and it's really a good book. It's actually written by one of the guys on the DirectX dev team so you know it's at least accurate :-P. But really, if you're starting out 3d game programming look into this book.

Lastly, last night I ordered up a (legit) copy of Yoshi's Island GBA so that should be coming some time next week. I look forward to playing that on my lunch breaks :-).

Yes, it seems my life nhas boiled down to two things: work and programming. But, heck, at least I'm malking money (getting a few hundred dollar paycheck every two weeks rocks ;-)). Until next time, keep those prices rollin'!