Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Stuff and Nonsense

The list of things I have to do to prepare for college is getting shorter. Currently I'm working on picking out a roommate and after that we'll work on finding an apartment. Then I'll need to secure funds and come September 20th[ish] I'll be moving my stuff out there. So nothing new on that front, I'll move on to other things. Actually, I lied. I got a call from them the other day making sure I wanted to take the Digital Arts and Design degree because they think I'd be happier in Animation (I promptly said I'd be happy anywhere in that school). But I had actually been thinking of double majoring in either DAD and film or animation and the more I think about it animation and art as a whole has always been a big love of mine so I'm giving that some serious thought.

I'm currently getting ready to do another film project this time spoofing Elite Beat Agents. I'd give off more but I don't want to ruin anything. I'll be trying out greenscreen stuff for this. It seems Blender now has the ability to do professional green screen removal (with a little finagling) so I'm going to try that out. In particular I'll be filiming seperate elements against the screen and combining them into one shot. But I have yet to actually build the thing, something I was going to do on days off (Tuesday and Wednesday) but I felt too lazy to drive out to Lowes to buy the stuff. I suppose I'll do it next week and in the meantime I can flesh out a script. This is something I don't do often because I have the vision in my head pretty clearly and I don't want to go through the trouble of writing or storyboarding it out. I'm lazy that way and it's something I'll have to get over before I go to Full Sail.

I completed two games this week (the world must be ending). The first one was Super Paper Mario (Wii). It was, as I thought it would be, a comepletely enjoyable experience. The dialoge was top notch, as always, packed with plenty of laughs. The flip mechanism never got old and was always used cleverly. The story line was fairly predictable (I had the ending figured out about half way through). However, next to Zelda it's the best single player game out there for the Wii so if you own on I'd suggest picking this up.

The second game I completed was Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All (DS) which, I admit, I probably enjoyed more than SPM. It's definitely not a game you buy for the graphics or sound because they're meh at best (the art's not bad, I will admit). What is crucial to this game is story and it delivers 110%. The first case, being the introductory one, wasn't the greatest but it gets you into the swing of things well enough. The second case was awesome, and probably one of my favorites. The third case had me stumped (to the point of cheating; I'm ashamed). The last case was simply amazing. Just when you think you had it figured out everything was turned on end. They also introduced some things that made things harder and raised moral questions. To say that this game on a whole was absolutely phenomenal is an understatement. If you like story type games (RPGs, text-adventures) you absolutely have to buy this game. If you're more an action type gamer you probably wouldn't enjoy it much, but rent it at least. It'll do you some good. On that note I'll be buying the first game and third when it comes out.

Now that all that's out, I'll leave you with this piece of art I finished this afternoon. Cheerio!