Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Updates and whatnot

So, I haven't really done any updates on my personal life in a while. Let's see, since I last blogged I've gotten married, had three kids, won a Nobel Peace prize and purchased a Wii. Only one of these things is important, but I'll leave it to you to figure out.

Seriously, though, I did buy a Wii and it is a very nice piece of machinery indeed. Wii Sports is just plain fun and Zelda has me pretty muched hooked. I've also played Excite Truck which I'm not overly thrilled with (touchy controls), but this is the beginning and things will get better. Suffice to say it's one of the coolest machines I've purchased since the SNES.

I haven't really said much about work lately (save, it pretty much sucks up my entire life). Over the last few months I've expanded my horizons beyond that of normal cashiering. I can work the service desk, layaway (moot point now, more in a sec), automotive, sporting goods, electronics and something new which I will also get to in just a minute.

For anybody who hasn't read front page news, Wal-Mart has canned layaway, so I was there to see it off today. I went back at 8pm and things were pretty steady up until 9:30 (with two people back there). After the rush I spent the next 45ish minutes doing all the filing for the day. And once I escaped there was when the fun really began.

I've never mentioned it, but I've been hounding the powers that be about becoming a backup CSM (Customer Service Manager, or as I like to call them "Red coats"), but I my progress in getting anywhere close to that goal was slow at best (the biggest caveat being that I didn't pass the leadership assesment back in July when I was stupid). But, desperate times call for desperate measures and when Debbie (who I've erroneously called the "schedule lady" in the past, she's actually a support manager) found herself with next to no CSMs to keep the store going for the night made the call to get my status upgraded. Since this was an act of desperation I'm not sure how permanent it'll be, but it's a start.

Well, it seems to be 4:30 in the morning. Not sure why I get these blog urges in the middle of the night, but eh. I will now relay the words expressed by Tiny Tim: God bless me, and not you weasels :-D