Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Welcome to the Week of Top 5

I'm going to do something interesting this week and post all sorts of nonsense top 5 lists. Why? Because I can. That, my friend, is the beauty of the internets.

Top 5 Games I Wasted Too Much Time Playing

5. Guitar Hero (I and II) I will go on the record and say this is probably the best game of this generation. If I were getting paid per hour to play this game the same amount I'm getting paid to push carts I'd be freakin' rich. I figure I've probably played Freebird alone somewhere around 50-100 times and it's a ten minute song. It never really gets old.

4. Final Fantasy VI Only the best RPG made for the SNES, nay, of all time. I've fully completed this game three times, partially many more, and I plan on playing through it again before I head off to college. It's that good.

3. The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past I remember the first time I finally made it through this game. I'd been playing it for darn near a year. I probably explored every nook and cranny and thensome. I've since made it through twice on GBA and clocked many more hours on PC via emulation. Defeinitely one of the best games ever.

2. Super Mario Bros. 3 The very first game I ever played. I haven't played this one to completion as many times as other games (due mainly to the fact that there's no save in the original NES version) but I did play it almost every day for pretty much the entire life of my first NES (two or three years). I have it on for my NES now (and I crack it out once in a while) and have the GBA version. This game pretty much set and holds the standard for all patforming games. Nothing's come close since.

1. Tetris Attack Oh, my gosh. Where to begin. I've clocked more hours on this game than probably all the others combined. I've spent countless hours writing this game on five different occasions (and am currently doing so again). I haven't bought Plant Puzzle League for DS because I'm a Tetris Attack purist. Give me Blargg or give me death! Actually, I probably should buy it just for the online play, but I'd use standard controls. None of this touch screen crap.

I do need to mention that Rogue Squadron, Episode I Racer, Zelda OoT, and Mario 64 are close runner ups. So, there you have it. Day one completed. Stay tuned for more inaninty on here at