Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Hobbies, Hobbies, Hobbies

In the last several months, I seem to have gotten into this kick of trying out hobbies. Not sure if it's some middle age crisis thing or what, but it's been an interesting journey.

Off the top of my head, the things I've given a shot to are:

  • Making beer and wine
  • Automating stuff in my apartment
  • Testing out various small electronics projects (so much soldering...)
  • Lots of research into arcade machine repair (lots of YouTube videos on the subject)
  • Attempting actual repair of old NES machines (lemme know if you need your cartridge connector refurb'd. I can do that all day!)
  • CNC milling

The electronics binge particularly has been a hell of a lot of fun. I've yet to actually fully complete a project, but I've prototype'd an LED matrix, a camera shutter timer, and a rhythm game controller. I've done quite a bit of research into circuit board etching and think I've settled on a good solution that relies on fewer caustic chemicals. I just need to design up a board to test all that out with. Combine all that with the CNC machine and I'm hoping to bring some spit and polish to those projects I mentioned.

In future posts, I'll probably elaborate more on some of these builds and what I've learned from them. In the mean time, my mad scientist desk probably needs some decluttering...