Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.


I doubt that title's even gonna render correctly...

Let's not beat around the bush, here: this blog has been a fucking ghost town for quite some time now. Last year was quiet, but the only thing I've written at all this year is an out-of-nowhere post about a frog watering contraption. Kind of sad, really. It's not that I don't have anything to write about, necessarily, but can't quite figure out the "correct" way to write it. One thing leads to another, and that generally lead to nothing in the end.

That brings us to here. At the suggestion of my dearest mother, we'll be doing one of those post-a-day challenges for the month of November. She's started off by writing about how she's slowly becoming an evening alcoholic (I kid, I kid), but I'm not sure where to begin.

2016 has been a rather strange year, for sure. It might actually be one of my busiest on record, but it doesn't really feel like I've accomplished anything. Here's a bulleted list of things that may or may not become posts later:

  • Spent a couple weekends in snowy Tahoe with friends
  • Threw not one, but two little parties at my apartment
  • Quit LinkedIn
  • Visited Japan
  • Started working at Twitch
  • Quit working at Twitch
  • Meandered around in unemployment for a while
  • Started working at LinkedIn again
  • Made a road trip to Seattle, visiting friends and family along the way
  • Housed a friend and colleague from work for a week
  • Various other ancillary things

The work nonsense is certainly the "low hanging fruit" of this blog escapade, so I'll probably start on that tomorrow.

In the meantime, this is a post with words that hasn't really said anything in particular. Good thing this is a quantity and not quality challenge!