Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

I Don't Even Know What to Write About Anymore

I'm so close to making this month-of-blogging thing that I cannot let a little thing like writer's block stop me now. I suppose I can just ramble.

My Wal-Mart experiences of late have not been of the highest caliber. Granted, one doesn't usually expect world class service at the World of Walls, but this has been exceedingly blah. Cashiers who just don't give a shit, seem to be high out of their mind or cannot comprehend the English language are what greet me at my new Wal-Mart. Though, I just left my old one, full of good people whom I mostly know, after having gotten the worst cashier yet.

I was there to pick up the new Weird Al album (which was not in the new releases as it should have been) and made a bee line to express lane with the shortest queue. The cashier, some teenager named Jace, was trying to open his drawer, an action that locks up the register until a CSM has approved it from their keypad. Problem number one - you don't lock up your register when there are customers waiting and you don't have to. He then proceeded to get exceedingly pissed off, swearing and smashing the clear button on his keyboard. He was honestly becoming quite violent.

Now, I can understand his frustration with slow CSM response and the slowness to back out of an action on the aging registers. I've been on both sides of of that equation. However, he did unessecarily bring it upon himself and his display of frustration was absolutely not professional.

So, yeah. I guess this post became a rant about my Wal-Mart experience, but it still counts.