Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Solving Inane Issues with Programming

I'm slowly running out of things to say for the remainder of the month and the most interesting stuff is still five days out. Also, my brother and I have run out of things to watch, having finished seven seasons of How I Met Your Mother and rewatched both seasons of Higurashi in about a couple months. We're about to start watching Clannad again, but there's actually a simple solution to both of these problems.

And that solution is programming.

I may have mentioned before, but about half a mile up from work is a branch of the local library. They have a pretty decent collection of Blu-rays. So, I wrote a small script to scrape all the blu-ray titles at that location and, at random, pick four movies for us to watch. Here's what it came up with:

  1. Seven Years in Tibet
  2. Star Trek - The Motion Picture
  3. The Silence of the Lambs
  4. 9

Number 4 was originally Superman Returns, but my brother and I have already seen that and so decided to reroll.

I suppose out of a data set of only 460+ there was bound to be one movie I'd recognize, but not all four.

So, each day on my lunch break, I will bravely trek up to the library to fetch one of these discs. If one shouldn't be available, I'll move to the next item on the list. If I go past the end, a new movie will be randomly selected. This movie will then be watched and I will give a short review of my feelings at the end.

Seriously, being a programmer is akin to being a wizard in the Harry Potter world. I don't know how you muggles make it...