Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.


A while back, shortly before my leaving Griffin, my French coworker brought a bunch of stuff that was eating up space in his house and pawned it off to the rest of us. There was no exchange of money, but many lunch battles were had.

One of the items was a Japanese microwave potato chip maker. He'd never used it himself, so passed it on to me to be the brave one to try such odd novelties. I accepted his challenge to give it a whirl.

And then it sat in my closet for over a year.

That is, until today when, in a fit of super boredom, I decided that giving this thing a shot would be a good way to kill some minutes and also satiate my rumbling stomach (didn't work, wound up at Taco Bell anyways).

The setup is pretty easy: peel potato, slice in the slicer, arrange in the holder, nuke for around five minutes. What came out was actually pretty good. They're kind of like a cross between normal chips and potato wedges, crispy on the outside with a little bit of give inside.

I may actually use this thing again and experiment with seasonings. Also, hopefully I'll have larger potatoes next time.