Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

2011 Best of Anime Awards - A Bit of Character

Welcome back, and now for installment two of the 2011 Best of Anime Awards (Part 1, if you missed it).

Best Character

Chris - Rintarou Okabe (Steins;Gate)

Hououin Kyouma

Rintarou Okabe -- aka, mad scientist Hououin Kyouma -- is the main element that makes Steins; Gate amazing.

Okabe starts off over the top, telling everybody he's a mad scientist and making grand claims about a secret organization that's keeping tabs on him. Over the course of the show, however, you see him develop into a very troubled character as the show's events begin to take their toll on him. This depth later on really makes you feel for him as a character.

But you know what the best part is? He's an ass most of the time, but in a good way, asserting himself over his supposed suboordinates in an over the top fashion.

Gotta love it.

Jeff - Graham Spector (Baccano!)

Wrench Guy

Initially, I was going to give this to some character in "Nichijou", but then I remembered about Wild Tiger, also known as Kotetsu Kaburagi, from "Tiger and Bunny". Overall, I just think he's a cool guy. He's kind of a blundering idiot with a tendency to be overdestructive in his hero efforts, but his heart is in the right place and it shows in how he interacts with the other heroes... And I would be saying that had I not suddenly remembered about the Graham Specter(affectionately called "Wrench Guy" from here out) near the end of "Baccano!". Seriously, that guy is awesome. He's spastic, overly talkative, philosophical, mostly harmless, and a prankster. I am saddened by the fact that he showed up only once. Still, his performance was completely solid and I love it. The award goes to Wrench Guy.

Matt - L and Light Yagami (Death Note)

L and Light

I will admit, I'm kind of bending the rules a tad here by including two characters, but it's one of those times where neither can really stand on their own merits. On the one hand, you've got an eccentric, crime fighting super genius who has a penchant for sweets and odd posture, on the other, an outward goody-two-shoes but secretly maniacal sociopath who is using his super genius to rid the world of petty crime. These two and how they're constantly pitting their wit against each other is the driving force of Death Note and one of the best character combos I've seen in recent history (though, I'm sure Captain Haddock and Tintin will be quite awesome).

Worst Character (and why I want to kill them)

Chris - Mello (Death Note)

Hououin Kyouma

I'll admit that Mello isn't a terrible character, but he's arguably the cause behind a handful of misteps about two thirds through Death Note, and it's largely due to his personality type.

Death Note -- as a matter of necessity -- is dominated by a cast of intelligent and calculating characters. Mello has very little of these traits, instead being largely driven by kneejerk emotional reactions which don't fit amidst the company of Light or L. Placed amongst the cast of a more traditional Shounen series, Mellow would fit right in, he's just not the right fit here.

Also, his character design makes him look like a pansy ass mofo.

Jeff - A Whole Bunch of People from Hanasaku Iroha

Hououin Kyouma

That stupid bitch in Hanasaku Iroha with the black hair. I don't remember her name*, and I don't want to, but she's the one who's always telling Ohana to die, or some shit like that. That bitch is a complete, unsociable c*** who deserves the worst imaginable death for her treatment of Ohana(the only likeable character in that show). Allow me to be the one to fus-ro-DAH! her off the edge of a cliff and into Oblivion, where Mehrunes Dagon will enslave her for eternity!

Actually, I'm not going to leave it at that, for there are others who deserve my wrath. Ohana's mother is the second of those who have earned a death warrant, and is guilty of asshole level treatment of her own daughter. Making Ohana do the cooking from an early age, dropping her off at her evil grandmother's hotel, and finally running off to get married to some douchebag she never told Ohana about. Then she has the gall to back out of the marriage and not retrieve her daughter. What the fuck? Seriously? Ohana would be better off with a serial rapist with no interest in women under age twenty!

Ohana's grandmother is a nasty old hag, too. Outside of black-hair-bitch, she's the worst offender in the give-Ohana-shit-for-no-fucking-reason catagory. From day one, she didn't give two shits about her grandaughter and acted like they weren't even related. I don't care if this is Japan, I wouldn't even care if this bitch was the queen of fucking England, you do NOT treat family in such a piss poor manner(unless said member was deserving of it, which Ohana wasn't). I suppose she mellowed a teeny, tiny, infintesimal bit, but that does nothing to repair the damage she's done to Ohana.

Now that i think of it, I don't even know how this show even got going. It's about a bunch of people who don't give two fucks about anyone except themselves(Ohana being the exception to this) and expect Ohana to do all of the fucking work. Then they treat her like she's trash and wonder "Why the fuck did she do that?" when it's COMPLETELY FUCKING OBVIOUS. If I had been in Ohana's place, those douchecakes wouldn't have lasted the first fucking night. All of them would have woken the next morning to find themselves in Hell with big gashes on their necks. Then they would've proceeded to ignore the fact that I did it and blame Ohana.

And don't even get me fucking started on this idea that some people purposely avoid getting into relationships with a guy so that they can let a friend, or some other jackoff get them first. That. Does. Not. Fucking. Happen.

Wait, that was Toradora...

Gawd, DAMN IT!

* - Matt's note - her name was Minko

Matt - Kate Austen (LOST)

Hououin Kyouma

There are no characters I can really think of for this spot. Mellow and Near nearly (heh) ruined Death Note, but I don't not wish death on either, necessarily. So, instead, I will take from another show I finished watching this year and name Kate Austen from LOST as the character I love to hate. She's such a wishy washy bitch through out the entire show, supporting whichever male character is proving to have the biggest balls (these being Jack and Sawyer). She can't make up her own goddamn mind and is constantly ruining things for everybody on both sides. I would have voted her off the island and sentenced her to death by smoke monster somewhere in the fourth season. The only thing she has going for her is that she's hot (but not as hot as Sun or Claire...)

Well, that wraps today's installment. Check back again tomorrow as we bring things to a close with the big awards ^_^