Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

2011 - To do what must be done

The Chinese zodiac says that this year is the year of the rabbit. Finally, reason for me to stuff a picture of Haruhi and cast sporting bunny outfits at the top of a post. But, this isn't what I'm here to discuss.

It is indeed a new year and with new years come waves and waves of resolutions. In years prior, I openly shunned the idea of making new years resolutions. Why wait for some celestial anomoly to make changes to yourself as a person? While I still hold to this belief, I now view the changing of the calendar as a time to reflect upon/mark milestones within one's life. That said, here is my list of things I would like to accomplish in 2011.

1. Draw more. I'm forever complaining about that my artistic skills are not where I'd like them to be. There really is only one remedy for this and that is practice. So, I am endeavoring to draw everyday this year in hopes that I'll be less sucky by 2012.

2. Finish all my Squeenix games. I have a shelf full of games I've never finished, but the large majority of them are Square games. So, in 2011, I will buy no new games until I've completed the following (in this order):

  • Final Fantasy X-2
  • Final Fantasy XII
  • Final Fantasy XIII
  • Kingdom Hearts
  • Kingdom Hearts II
  • The World Ends With You With diligent play, I could be done with these by my brithday.

3. Lose the spare tire. Since my fat brother started working at Wal-mart, he is no longer the fat brother. That title now belongs to me. So, as cliche as it is, I plan to start keeping my eating in check and going on more epic walks in hopes of leveling off the old stomach line.

4. Apartment and girlfriend. The largest and most difficult items to procure on this list. Unfortunately, the latter relies on the former and the former is solely at the mercy of my pay check which cannot support the notion of either. Without going into detail, there are plans to fix this.

So, that's the list of things I want to do this year. Call them resolutions or whatever you wish, I'm going to call it my Checklist-o-Shit-to-Do(R). Hope everybody has a happy new year or at least survives it!

btw - today is one of two times that the date will be not only a palindrome but also repeating this year.