Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

2012 - Things to Do Before We All Die

Well, here we are again. It's always such a pleasure. Remember when I did this last year? I do. Seems like it wasn't that long ago. But, time flies, as they say, and with increasing age, it does so with increased velocity, it seems. This calls for some retrospective and forward contemplation.

The Previous Year

As linked above, last year I made a series of goals for myself to achieve. Let's look in and see how I fared on that:

Draw more - Could probably count on two hands the amount of times I set pencil to paper for art's sake. FAILED

Finish all my Squeenix games - Despite a rocky start, I did finish Final Fantasy X-2 (from which I am still having nightmares). Never touched another game on that list. FAILED

Lost the spare tire - My weight held for most of the year, and during the summer months I made a pretty good effort to at least keep in some semblance of physical shape, between climbing the stairs in my office building and running the treadmills. That all died somewhere towards fall, though, and I've put on weight since. FAILED

Apartment and girlfriend - Perhaps the only section on the list where I wasn't a complete failure. Upset with my conditions at my old job, I sought new and greener pastures and got the pay bump I needed to set out on my own (now I'm back at that old job, but with more pay). On the girlfriend front, I've made a handful of probes, but at this point I think I'm content where I'm at and will let things fall into place as they come. So, I'm going to say SUCCEEDED on this one.

The Coming Year

Now that I've looked back on my list of past failures, let's set up a list of NEW ONES!

MOAR EXERCISE - I have a good exercise facility at my disposal and I need to utilize it as much as I can. Goal - 3 hours of exercise per week increasing in amount and intensity as my physical endurance improves.

MOAR GAMING - I didn't game much over the last year, but still was raking in games (no thanks to the Steam sale...). This year, I aim to finish all of those, but at the very least, this list:

  • Skyward Sword
  • Catherine
  • Tales of Vesperia
  • Left 4 Dead (1 and 2)
  • Bioshock
  • Mass Effect (1 and 2) If I can hit the Squeenix games, so much the better

MOAR SOCIALIZING - I spend far too much time at home surfing reddit when I could be doing fun things with other people (male and female). My thoughts are to join some organized sport (bowling league, for example) or finally show up to a meeting of that Japanese Language group in town. Any way you look at it, I need to do more with people.

MOAR DRAWING - Said it before, will say it again: I can never get better unless I just do it.

Well, there we are. Here's looking at a productive 2012. Right up until we all die on the 21st of December.