Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

A Bit of Genericism

Been kind of a shitty week and I'm all out of witty at the moment.therefor, I shall just kind of give a general life update.

Bros came over this weekend, always good times to be had there. We've been watching anime, aging games and doing tragic us amounts of asking. Probably five to six miles today alone. We visited the usual nerd places and hit up a thrift store I pursuit of cosplay items.

Speaking of costly, I've gotten quite a bit farther on my costume and it's not looking terrible. The more I do is the easier it's becoming, so that's always encouraging. I would post a picture, but that would ruin the surprise or something.

I've been our using OkCupid again and realize why I kind of dropped it in e first ace: it's full of hyper Christians who also happen to be young, single moms. I don't mean to judge, but that seems a tad contradictory...

Tonight, my bros snood I are going to cool off at the pool and, as we wait for said pool to drain of people, I am sitting her writing a blog post. That brings us to now.