Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

A Gay Romp Across the Rainbow Bridge

No, you pervert, not that kind of gay! Seriously, you are all queer folk (yes, you pervert, that kind of queer).

So, you read and/or saw about the trip to Odaiba and the enormous Gundam statue. Well, the part that I mentioned but didn't detail was the walk across the Rainbow Bridge, a suspension bridge that runs across some water and into Odaiba. We walked that bitch, all 0.5 miles of it, not including the walk to from the station nor the walk into Odaiba. I put in nearly 30000 steps that day, or somewhere on the order of 10 miles of walking. Granted, some of that was from the Imperial Palace earlier in the day (we're traveling back in time on these posts, I guess).

But, enough of the chit chat, here be pictures.