Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Accountability Report - A Little Tipsy

Contrary to yesterday's post, I should embrace the accountability report because it's stupid simple to write. A handful of subjects and some words on how I failed to meet them. Works well today when I'm buzzing a bit and just need to get a post out.

Health - I actually did very well last week, biking to work four out of five days and keeping away from the sweets. I stumbled a bit on Friday where I had a heart stopping burger and didn't bike, but it could have been worse. The weekend was fairly low key calorie wise as well. Compare that to today where I had four beers while conversing with a certain USB input virtual accessor and killing digital robots and then following it up with Taco Bell. Not great to be sure. Also, it's been rainy, so I haven't biked. Tomorrow I plan on changing that.

Finances - I'm still running through the list of stuff I need to get for living in my new quarters. This weekend, I acquired myself a new bed, one of much higher quality than I'm used to having; certainly one that cost more money than I would've otherwise been comfortable in parting with. Additionally, a small trip to Japantown drained a few dollars, but not too bad.

Japanese - Ain't done squat, and this is unacceptable. Though, I do often listen to some of the audio lessons when they pop up on random during bike rides... this isn't actually helping me, though. It does sometimes re-enforce the little Japanese I do know, I guess.