Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Accountability Report - Week 1 (Off to a Roaring Stop)

It's time for the first installment of my public shaming, an activity aimed at keeping me on the straight and narrow for my New Year's resolutions.

And what a shaming I deserve.

Health - I have eaten out several times this week (once being Taco Bell) and had a drinking party last night. Granted, my brother is in town and we're celebrating New Year's a bit belatedly, so I'm going to write it off this once. On the upside, I have made more food and not had McDonald's in this thirteenth year of the 21st century.

Finances - The last of my pre-ordered items came rolling in and I bought the Mac mini that I'd been planning on buying anyways (with any luck, I can make that money back on the App Store). The slate for purchasing goods is now empty with nothing on the horizon.

Learn Japanese - My books have arrived and I will begin in earnest tomorrow evening... just as soon as I figure out how to proceed...

Japan Trip - This certainly doesn't need its own section, but since my brother was in town, we hashed many of the details. The date has been formalized and tickets will be purchased very soon.

Drawing - I drew but on thing from /r/sketchdaily and that was the one posted on the 1st. It's supposed to be a snake, but it just looks like shit. Need to get back into this.

So, that's where things lie. Hopefully this coming week will be a little better in that it will be a standard week with no deviations from the normal routine. (I still love you though, Chris...)