Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Accountability Report - Week 4

Missed last week because... well, just because I felt like it.

Health - It has been two weeks since my last Taco Bell trip and I haven't even eaten McDonald's in the 2013 year, so we're doing well there. Didn't walk as much as I'd wanted this week, but got out every weekday last week. Also, I invested in a fitbit to keep track of all my exercise related things. It's a nifty little device and has pitted me in heated combat with a certain Morgan Helton. It also tracks my sleeping habits by measuring my movements during sleep. If I read the graph right, I could make a convincing dead man once I lose consciousness for the day. Probably also explains why I never have dreams.

Finances - Well, I did buy the fitbit, but I figure if it's in the interest of any item on this list, it's worth shelling out money for. Otherwise, I've kept a reign in for the most part, especially on eating out (which has been mostly relegated to the weekends). It's getting harder and harder not to pre-order some of the shows I want to own, though. I may time them out to once a month or something.

Japanese - I did a couple of worksheets in my book, but have not spent near enough time on this. However, I began work on a web app to help drill vocabulary. My brother who is also taking Japanese (at a real college) will be sharing this tool with me and we can learn from each other.

Drawing - Have you ever noticed that central time seems so much more logical than any of the other timezones? Prime time starts at 7pm, usually right around the time the evening meal is ending and you're ready to just relax for a while. You don't get that in the eastern timezone.