Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

All Good Things

It seems that ignoring the blog is the fashionable thing for me to do, as of late. It's not entirely intentional, there's just really nothing to talk about. Sometimes, while I'm attempting to force myself into a state of unconsciousness, I'll think of these things I'd love to post ranting about this, that, or the other. However, rarely do I actually act upon these impulses and the dust continues to gather.

The one thing that has happened since I last blogged is the passage of time. And with that passage I draw ever nearer to my graduation date. Currently, I sit at less than a month till I walk with my fellow classmates and receive the piece of paper for which I have worked so hard to achieve. It's hard to believe that not two years ago I was making preparations to come here the thought of actual completion not even in my head. But, here we are.

I've achieved much in my short twenty-one months at Full Sail, both from an academic and personal standpoint. I've improved my design skills, learned the technical art of motion graphics, and added to my repertoire of marketable programming skills through ActionScript. I know better how things in the industry work and have finally been able to get the professional critique that I so longed for as a hobbyist working out of his parents' house.

I've made a lot of memories at this school, both good and bad. It'll be sad to have leave all the friends I've made, but everyone tells me I have a bright future ahead of me. As for what I think of that, I'm not entirely sure. I know I have marketable skills, but there are some things that I know will hold me back. For example, I would like to live close to my family. That alone throws out almost any motion graphics or film job that I could have. I suppose it boils down to what's more important to me: my family and friends or my career. Even at that, I don't really know what career path I'd like to do. i enjoy and am proficient at many things (both inside and outside my degree).

I suppose I'll stop there before I completely depress myself. The next few months are going to have a crucial part in shaping my future. I'd better make damn sure I get it right.