Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

And now for some rest

Continuing (and ending) my crazy weekend blitz, my dad and two oldest brothers went on a trek to Six Flags in Dallas. I and a band of coworkers had ventured out in May and I enjoyed myself enough to vow to go again (soon). A few days later while I was Skyping family, my dad was waxing nostalgic about his times at Six Flags. I decided that was reason enough to gather everybody up for a grande trip.

While there, I took about 438 photos (mostly quick sequential images), but here's the best of the bunch:

Our first stop of the day was the "Conquistador". Not terribly fun, in my opinion, but okay.

I forget the name of the second ride we went on, but it was snake themed. It was both the first and last roller coaster we rode.

Right across the way was a teacup ride. It was highly similar to a Kiddie Park ride that we used to go on all the time wherein the thing spins around but your individual pod is also spun around... by you... as fast as you please... It's a kid's ride, but we got on for nostalgia reasons.

The next ride of the day was the Superman, which takes you 245 feet into the air and drops you.

The second rollar coaster of the day (which was also ridden twice) was the Texas Giant. Sadly, there are no photos of us on it, but it's a little something like this:

Also ridden twice was my personal favorite coaster, the Titan. This is a beast of a ride that does it's best to crush you to a pulp using nothing but the power of momentum. This was also ridden twice.

I believe there was a lame log ride in between, but the next stop was the Batman, by far the most twisty yet also the most comfortable ride in the park.

Of course, you can't stand around in the Texas heat without getting on a serious water ride.

Despite being one of the last things we went on, we were dry by the time we left. And when we got to the hotel we were staying at, this was the view outside our door:

The yelling that Chris and I did at each other about directions notwithstanding, it was a pretty awesome day.

Oh, and here's a picture of a bunch of Hello Kitty's because my dad told me too.