Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Anime Reviews 2013 - Play That Funky Music

It's time again for the wave of anime reviews from the brothers Hack (swear we'll actually finish this year). Per usual, we're kicking it off by picking our top openers and enders of the year. Steve is absent this year because he's being super lazy and lying on the couch whining that he doesn't have enough time to write - forget the fact that Chris and Jeff started and finished just moments ago. But whatever, here we go!

Best Opener

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Matt - Guren no Yumiya (Attack on Titan)

Trying to figure out what the best songs of the year is a difficult task. It's even worse when you have to write words about why you enjoy said aural experience. But, this year was completely easy. The very first time I heard Attack on Titan’s first opening back, I knew it was going to be taking this position. The music itself is all fired up and high energy, with lots of choral bits, lots of trumpets, and just general awesomeness. Married perfectly with this amazing track is some slick, high production animation with lots of high action scenes and some interesting typographical interludes. Overall, these two pieces combined make for one hell of an opener and will not be easily matched anytime soon.

Chris - Guren no Yumiya (Attack on Titan)

We all know this is the case, so this doesn’t really need to be said, but Guren no Yumiya was by far the best OP of 2013. Not only is the song excellent - although this sadly doesn't carry over to the full version - but the visuals work with the song to get you super pumped up and your pants off. That's pretty badass.

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(Note - this is a promotional video and not the actual opener. It is the right song, however)

Jeff - May I Help You? (Servent x Service)

"May I help you?" from "Servant x Service" Is the opening theme I have chosen to be the best of the year. Originally I was going to go with "Guren no Yumiya", but the full version of said song cannot be rightfully called such and was dropped like a sack of shit. That was on fire. And also poisonous.

I'm still super pissed about it.

On the other hand, "May I help you?" is a delightfully upbeat song and a pleasure to listen to in both the short and long versions. I was going to write more about why I like this song, but I don't have anything more to say about it. Listen to it. Love it.

Fuck you, "Guren No Yumiya long version".

Best Ending

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Matt - Bokura no Tsubasa (Haganai NEXT)

Sadly, unlike the hands down winner that was best OP, I had to go back to play stats for best ED, but I’d say this fits the bill. I can’t say why I enjoyed it, but it’s certainly catchy and I can’t think of anything better to put here.

Chris - Bokura no Tsubasa (Haganai NEXT)

I’m really not good at writing about music - fuck that shit - but I will say that Haganai S2 has a very good ED from a musical standpoint. But, more than that, I found the art that went with it to be very beautiful, using a mixture of bright - but not oversaturated - colors and outlines to create a very nice visual aesthetic. I usually sit through the ending anytime I watch an episode of anime, but I made special care to do so in this case.

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Jeff - Daisy (Kyoukai no Kanata)

Initially I was going to go write off 2013 as not having produced a single super great ending song and that it sucked. Then I watched Watamote and found "Natsu Matsuri". This was it. The one ED of 2013 that I found super great.

Then I heard "Daisy" from "Beyond the Boundary" and chose that instead.

Yes, "Daisy" is most definitely my favorite 2013 ending. I feel that it caps off each episode perfectly, and emanates a feeling of hope regardless of how the episode ended. To say nothing of the fact that it sounds damn nice would be an atrocity.

I like it.

A lot.

Fuck you, "Guren No Yumiya long version".

That's all for day one. Check in later for the next wave!