After a short detour filling in extra details I didn't want to add here, we come to the Main Event: in which I read and comment on an email my past self has written to my self of now before I repeat the cycle. Let's not waste time and get on with it.
Dear FutureMe,
Hello from an interesting time in your past. As I write this, you and Kayla have thrown yourself into the throes of getting a new house and moving to a new state. The theory goes, when you receive this letter, you'll have been living there for around half a year. The mountain of work ahead of me to get to you seems a little daunting: finalizing new house things, packing, selling the existing house, and actually making the move. Hopefully, the Portland area and Oregon has lived up to the hype I'm hoping for; delightful outdoors for activities for myself and the fambly, the quaint suburbs of Beaverton, and some other third thing. From my vantage point, it'll be by far the biggest thing to have happened in the year.
For things in closer range, the Disneyland half-marathon is two weeks away. I don't have too many doubts about completing it without getting swept, but there's nerves regardless. Hopefully you did indeed complete it, hopefully all had a great time with Morgan and Ilona doing all the Disneyland things, and hopefully you all had a great time doing the 10-miler at Disney World in spring.
Of course, there's now the continual project of keeping a child alive and raising him to be a reasonable member of society. At this juncture, Evan just passed six months and is mobile, but still hasn't figured out how to crawl. By the time you read this, he'll be walking and mildly talking and you will have gone on amazing Oregonian adventures. Also Hawaii, because supposedly that's where Thanksgiving will be next year. But, as the year closes out, Evan won't be the only child?
(Author's note: Trying to maintain the correct tense of writing to your future self is hard... I want to give up.)
Rounding out some other thoughts:f I anticipate still being at SurveyMonkey, but hopefully you've been able to make the pivot to authoring or content engineering and that that move has had the results I'm looking for. I'm anticipating 2024 to be a political dumpster fire and is by far the thing I'm looking forward to the least. Maybe some people will be disqualified/jailed/die and change the playing field... at the very least, I'd like there to not be Civil War 2 or World War 3. As far as hobby projects go, I have no expectations but some dreams. You know what they are...
Good on you for making it another year and please enjoy a nice toddy on the deck for me.
As was mentioned in the previous post, 2024's defining feature in terms of life was leaving California and resettling in Oregon. There were a lot of factors that prompted the move, but now we're here, living in a house that didn't exist when this letter was written. I'd like to elaborate more on that process at some point, but it was a carefully crafted dance, woven between living our lives and moving our lives. At times it was very daunting and I just wanted it to be over, but everything went probably smoother than it should have.
Actually living life here has been pretty great. There are a lot of options for outdoor activitites, between the neighborhood trails that are only going to be expanded as the neighborhood does, the seemingly endless parks and playgrounds for Evan to stretch his ever expanding levels of energy on, and that third thing turns out to be food. Maybe I knew somewhere in the recesses of my brain that the Portland area was Foodieville, but actually beginning to explore that has been exciting. There's local beer and coffee everywhere, sure, but a delicious German restaurant nestled next to the coolest bridge? The best Mexican food I've ever had? A food cart pod at a brewery serving up one of my top three spicy chicken sandwiches to delightful outdoor seating? These are things that hadn't occurred to me, and now that my eyes have been opened, I want more. And none of that is to mention that we're surrounded by wineries, one being a three minute drive down the street. And the Oregon Zoo is a dope as hell place. And it's cold out right now, feeling quite seasonal. I could go on, but I won't. There's more letter to comment on.
Both Disney race weekends went fine, and we had a great time hanging out with the devbuses. Kayla and I are actually looking down the barrel of the next races in a few weeks. This time I'm doing "the challenge", which involves a 10k and half marathon on sequential days... I've done maybe ten miles of running in the last two months... should be fun.
As mentioned above, Evan is quite capable on both legs now, and figuring out new ways he can get himself into trouble every minute of the day. He loves going to parks and has really recently been getting into crawling around the playgrounds. I think those as a concept have finally clicked for him. Him learning how to talk has been more fun to get involved with than him trying to destroy his body and everything around him. The games of "what does X animal say?" is somehow entertaining, if only because the voice that responds is so stupid cute. Can't wait until he starts picking up on my more colorful vocabulary.
Thanksgiving in Hawaii happened, as mentioned in the previous post, and there's not too much more to say. We hung out with Kayla's family over the holiday itself in Maui, then took a vacation from that in Disney's resort on Oahu where I learned lazy rivers and I can hang. We can hang as long as possible. (There are lots of rivers I can be lazy on around me. It's on my list.)
SurveyMonkey, yes. Almost made the team switch (it was officially in the cards), and then it didn't happen. Many reasons for that, none of which I'll share publicly though I've talked with my boss about ad nauseum, but it's good. I can't complain too much about work.
I could complain lots about the political dumpster fire I called out, but I'd rather not (I'm still salty about the difference two inches could've made). Overall, I'm at an uneasy truce with how things are (i.e. I stopped paying attention to national news), and for my mental sake, I'm staying there for now.
And what kind of annual blog post would it be if "hobbies" (i.e. SNESbox) wasn't mentioned? I didn't make no progress on this. Did some wiring, started writing some code for the RP2040 and really code needs to be finished before I can take that further. This is fairly easy to do with a toddler running about in the background. But, in general, hobbies have taken even more of a backburner position with my life going into boxes and being generally crazy for over half a year. But, those things have been coming out of boxes slowly and becoming available. Managed to eke out a few lasered Christmas gifts, so that's a start.
So, too, is this blog post a start to the year.
And an end to my month long sabbatical :(