Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Art Battle Redux!

A few months back, my two youngest bros and myself had a little art battle which I summarily won quite handily. This weekend, as I was visiting my folks, we held another one. Same premise: each person chooses a picture, all three must draw said picture to the best of their ability. All laying around my iPad, the battle began.

[gallery=Joe's Pick - Wind Waker Link]Steve's Version[/img] My Version[/img][/gallery] I would've figured Joe would have this in the bag as he draws Wind Waker Link A LOT and without reference, even. But, such was not to be. As can be seen, I got a little bored waiting for everybody to finish.

[gallery=Steve's Pick - L from Death Note][/gallery] Now, I will go on record and say I didn't like the chosen picture much, but there it is. I'd actually call this a three way tie because we all hit and miss aspects of the picture (there's something going on with the eyes on mine).

[gallery=Matt's Pick - Haqua from World God Only Knows][/gallery] Joe decided to sit this one out for whatever reason pretty much leaving me the winner by default. Both Steve and I quit prematurely because we were getting bored with the whole thing. I'm just happy mine doesn't look "lumpy" and even Chris agreed.

So, there it is. Our second art battle with me, yet again, taking away the trophy. I think next time we should try not copying a source image and just toss out a subject to draw. It could very well level the playing field. All in good fun, though.