Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Before J.J. Abrams, I was going to make Star Wars VII

Fresh out of things to post about, I decided to poke around the darker regions of my backup drive in search of some old material I could use. Apparently, my debut into Star Wars fanfic was not with homoeroticism, but an old screenplay for a Star Wars film I wanted to make somewhere in the early 2000s. Actually, I have an old blog post that mentions it. Still, it turns out that this is a complete thing which I don't honestly remember doing.


On the whole, the level of writing is above what I would have expected of myself at the time, but is entirely juvenile... sad considering I was 16 or 17 years old. It's full of references to other things both Star Wars and not, a typical naive fanfic trope. Still, the Calvin and Hobbes reference got a good chuckle out of me and, while silly, there were a couple of jokes that made me smirk. Not to say that any of this is good, it's completely shitty, but I can derive joy in that shittiness. Some, anyways. It's obvious I was living out some sort of fantasy through Jacen, [one of] the character[s] I was going to play, which is mildly disconcerting.

How I thought I was going to film this with no budget, no equipment, no software, and three actors (myself included), I don't know. Didn't stop me from rendering up some 3D stuff.

Sadly (or perhaps, fortunately), that has all been lost to the annals of time.