Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Bloggy Blog 10 - Linguistic Condensation

Moments ago, I interjected myself uselessly into a text message thread sussing out details for my neice's upcoming birthday party. It's going to be Frozen themed and at some point, one of the other folks said "I was going to let it go. see what I did there?". Up until that point, I hadn't said anything because nothing coming from me would've added value to the conversation. That didn't stop me from crafting a contextually relevant message that incorporated as many Frozen [2] song titles as I could manage (with the help of Kayla). This is not my first rodeo doing something like this.

It's a fun exercise that I've done for quite a long time, tracing back to doing spelling in school. Every week, I'd have a list of ten words that I'd have to learn how to spell, the definitions of, and demonstrate understanding by using them in written sentences. In what was a combination of laziness and just for the sheer sport of it, I'd try to figure out how to use those words in as few sentences as possible. I've no doubt some of them were a stretch, but it was a fun challenge to an otherwise mundane task. Pretty sure my mom wasn't about it and eventually set a rule that there needed to be one sentence written per word. I'm pretty sure just once, I did a combinatory sentence that was repeated for each word it used until the rule was changed to a unique sentence per word.

More recently in life (but not as recently as the intro paragraph), I've applied that mental challenge to shout out messages in a podcast I enjoy. This podcast is famous for its recurring bits, so when I've purchased a message, I try to pump each one with as many bits as possible while actually delivering a message. It's a challenge, especially when the message is limited to the size of an OG tweet (RIP).

Maybe this is a normal thing people do. Maybe it's something nerds do.

Maybe it's just something I do and I'm a fucking weirdo.