Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Crap aplenty!

I've said it before and I will say it again: Titles are not my strong point. Especially when I know I'm just going to ramble about random stuff.

Today marks the three week mark until move out day. Excited? Yes. Packed? Partially. I started packing last week and have pretty much gotten to the point where's there's nothing left to pack save what I'm currently using (Xbox, computer, TV, that stuff). I suppose I could pack up my pots and pans and malarky, but eh...

I did wind up trading Pokemon (and a myriad of other games) in and picked up a copy of Puzzle League. It's good, but it definitely is NOT Tetris Attack. Ranked matches... well there really aren't ranked matches. The closest thing is the "Birthday Mode" which ranks you against people with the same birthday. I'm number one... and the only person on the list. Not many people play PPL online. Another thing that cheeses me off is the difficulty level; it's too easy. There's really slow, slow and about what would equate to normal in TA. Nothing in between. The music sucks too. It's just standard ambient/techno type music like you'd find in Lumines or any recent (non-DS) Tetris game. The music from Tetris Attack was awesome. Every single piece. I've got the Blargg music on my iPod for heaven's sake! That's how awesome it is. But otherwise, it is Tetris Attack and I can play online but they've screwed up the best puzzle game of all time.

I took a little Lord of the Rings quiz thingy on Facebook (which is definitely better than MySpace) and I'm a true LOTR fan. The questions were rediculously easy like "What race is Legolas?" Some information I suppose probably can't be gleaned from the movies. But at that even a casual reader of the books could get all the questions right. Either that or I'm a bigger nerd that I thought. Meh.

Well, like a said, general ramblings of random stuff.