Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Episode III - Revenge of t3h L33ts

After too long we are proud to bring you the third installment of T3h L33ts. In this episode we mainly ramble on about our thoughts on E3, which starts next Wednesday. Also, we bring you, for the very first time, our "Picks of the Week". As promised, here's the link for SpaceMonger. Awesome program, I highly recommend downloading it (or else).

As usual, here's the direct link and also handsome icon pointing to our new feed location: Please note that the old feed location will be gone by the time the next podcast rolls around, so be sure to update your iTunes.

Also, one last thing I forgot to mention in the podcast (again) is that we've got an e-mail addy: [][/url]. So go ahead and send a mail with questions, comments, shout outs, or whatever and we'll probably read it in the next podcast :-).
