Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

From the Con Floor - Day 1

Today was the first of our three day long anime convention that is Tokyo in Tulsa. Before you ask, I did not cosplay today. That will be for tomorrow, the largest and busiest day of the con. So far, this year has far and away kicked the pants off of TnT last year. The panels have been better so far (thank you, Todd Haberkorn; you are truly hilarious) and the fact that they acquired the convention center over the cramped hotel has made it much nicer, though it's still cramped. Good times were had and I hope tomorrow will go even better.

But, you want pictures. So pictures you will have. Hit them after the break.

First guy to get his photo snapped was a Rebel trooper, one of those men who carelessly tossed themselves in front of Imperial fire on the Tantive IV. First time I've seen one of these guys at a con.

L, Ryuzaki or Hideki Ryuga from Death Note. Yes, it's considered the cop-out of all cosplay, but at least I can appreciate the series now.

What is with this man's grimacing look? Perhaps it's because he has spent too long living in the shadow of his shorter, fatter brother. That 1-up ain't gonna help you here, son.

It's Link as portrayed by a girl... not too uncommon, actually. Relatedly, they were selling that shield (though better made) for $60 at the vendor room.

An overhead shot of the artist alley. This is probably about half as crowded as it was immediately after the opening ceremonies.

Some dude drawing in a quieter area of the building, and doing so pretty well at that.

Princess Peach and I assume Alice of Wonderland fame. An odd combo, but hey. Why not?

This one is for my brother Steve. If you're aware of the meme, nothing more need be said.

So, that's the report from day one. I'm going to save any longer/deeper impressions I have for after the whole thing is wrapped up, but I like how things have started so far.

And I must hear more of Todd Haberkorn. He was pretty damned hilarious.