Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Have you ever hated yourself?

Sounds like the title of one of the many things I see copied and pasted onto a MySpace bulletin. Before anybody cries foul, I don't hate myself. I'm a very content person and more or less happy with who I am. And beside, I'm going to a kick ass school (one month from yesterday) so life is pretty sweet.

However, the last few days I took a trip to the past and came face to face with my younger, stupider, teenage self. What started out as a kind of fun little programming project quickly brought home that, yes, I was a complete douche bag. It was just a small project to keep me occupied (which it did), but...

I restored the old YPN message board. It was kind of fun to read some of the old stuff from before I came on, but the minute I started getting to my posts the pain came on. It was obvious that I was... different. I was trying to fit in a crowd of very different people but I thought I was cool like them. If I saw something that pissed me off (and it didn't have to be much) I'd make some idiot remark instead of just shutting up and moving on. When I came to power it was obvious it went straight to my head. Most of that is more apparent in the days after the old phpBB forum (which I have not gone through), but it all begins right there.

For your enjoyment I have provided a list of all the groan moments: Visual Basic - In which I become kage-chan's bitch/lackey Comp Specs - Reopening a locked thread, and check out my triple post at the bottom. That eraser trick was pretty sweet, though. Too bad mechanical mice are non-existant anymore. PHP Viewer - No comment Siblings - I'm still not good in ethical debates which is why I avoid them like the plague. Workaround for when "ass" is in nonvulgar words (like bottomembly) - devusb - I told you this happened before me :-P.

I look back on these posts and think to myself "surely that wasn't me," but I'm the only person on the internet with the dxprog moniker. It had to be.