Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

I hate Brits!

The title has absolutely no bearing on the subject matter of this post, but I thought I'd throw it out there. Everytime they say "biscuit" instead of cookie I think to myself "Stupid, buscuiting Brits!". But I digress.

Actually, one thing I hate more than Brits is fruit flies. And, apparently, they hate me too. They've been trying to kill me lately. Over the last two weeks they've sent suicide bombers down my windpipe and up my esophagus. It's really pissing me off. I'll be happily watching Next Gen or something, there'll be a faint "bzzztt" followed by the nast coughing fits. Burn in Hell, fruit flies, burn in hell.

Finished with my Pokemon game I decided to have some fun. That's right, I hacked my save file. Actually, I'm thinking of selling the game off and picking up Puzzle League. As much as I still think it's a bastardization of Tetris Attack (which I've been playing like crazy as of late) the thought of ranked online matches is a sweet morsel I may not be able to pass up. Maybe I'll just stick with Tetris DS for now. Maybe I should stop buying games.

At least until Eternal Sonata comes out ;-)