Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

In and of Ranting

Since there's not much to write about that's happening in my life at this current point in time I will instead rant on a cornucopia of things. Note - these rants are very, very biased.

MySpace profiles. We've given power to these people to change the design of their profiles. Bad idea. Why, you ask? Because it seems a good chunk of the MySpace population doesn't understand the basic fundamentals of good design. Readability is the first thing that comes to mind. Green text against some sort of fractal design background is enough to induce some sort of crack induced brain trip upon those who are to look upon it. I will say this: that horrible piece of shit you call a MySpace profile layout doesn't necessarily reflect upon you as a person. I say this because I've got friends and family on MySpace. In closing, though, you can't expect the users of a place where they themselves have... questionable design practices to be better.

Carts. Don't be a douche bag. Put the fracking carts in a damn cart corral. Never, EVER put your carts up on a curb or on the grass. I will kill you. Slowly.

Grammar. Has this completely gone out the window? Seriously, since the advent of instant messaging and e-mail everybody's grammar and spelling are simply atrocious. Their, there, and they're are one of the worst offenders. Nobody knows how to properly spell angel (many times transposing the "e" and the "l"). Nobody cares. And to think is the next generation of human being that we will have to hand the keys of the world off to when my generation gets old. It sends shivers up my spine.

Well, I think that covers most bases. If I haven't offended you please feel free to e-mail me and I'll do my best to correct said situation next time I rant. Peace out!