Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Internet Rule #48 is Defined Herein

If you've been around the internet as much as I have you'll probably know that it has it's own set of rules. Of these rules, #34 is most famous. Rule #34 states:

If it exists, there is porn of it.

Unwanted results from an innocent Google image search is enough to say that this rule is nearly one hundred percent true. However, there is no definition for something that's even more true than rule #34 (luckily, it's also more safe for work). I hereby decree that Internet Rule #48 will be defined as:

If it exists, there is anime of it.

This rule can be nearly solely confirmed by one website: deviantArt. For anybody who has never really scoured the annals of dA, it should be noted that almost 90% of everything posted is anime or some lame attempt at anime. A good chunk of this is fan art of just about anything. It doesn't matter what TV show, movie, comic, game, or person it is or is from. If they exist, somebody has drawn it in anime form. Let's get to proving using five examples from each stated category.

TV Shows Futurama Dexter's Lab SpongeBob (a true abomination) Columbo Greatest American Hero (as a chick, even)

Movies Luke Skywalker (Star Wars) (too easy, I'll admit) Garth (Wayne's World) Rambo (First Blood) River Tam (Serenity) Galaxy Quest

Comics Calvin and Hobbes FoxTrot Garfield Penny Arcade (not entirely fair because even the comic's artist has anime'd the characters in one or two comics) Charlie Brown

Games Halo and Metroid (a twofer) Mario (there are no good words for this one) Guitar Hero Psychonauts

People Weird Al Napoleon Dynamite Napoleon Bonaparte Oliver Cromwell and of course Jesus

So, there you have it. Anything under the sun has anime art made of it, and nearly all of it can be found on deviantArt. So, let the internet propogate with the wisdom that is Internet Rule #48.