Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

iPadly Thing

As I sit here, hogging my little brother's bed, typing out a blog post on my own personal PADD, I realize that I do not really know what it is that I want to say. So, I shall talk about the device itself and my opinions on it seeing as I've now owned the thing going on a week.

The Hardware

There is no doubting that the iPad hardware is top quality. It is sleek and has a good, solid feel to it. The screen is bright and crisp, though it does come withe usual glare problems you will get from having a glossy screen (not to mention the fingerprints... Oh, god the fingerprints!) My only real complaint about the hardware is it's lone, mono speaker. It doesn't sound bad, but it doesn't have e crispness you get from two discrete aud channels.


iOS is much nicer and easier to use on a lager screen, but in the end it is still iOS. I will list off a few apps I've found that I feel warrant some attention (food or ill):

Flipboard: This is a feed reader of sorts (it will pull feeds from twitter, Facebook, google reader, etc.), but presents stories in a very newspaper-esque way. It is very clean and sexy to look at and for the price is free, probably the best iPad app I've gotten.

Crunchyroll: It's to anime what Netflix instant watch is to movies. The iPhone app is good, do nit get me wrong, but it works so much bett with the exta screen real estate. Watching stuff from the comfort of my bed on the large screen is quite joyous.

Seaglass: This is a rather sad attempt at a Tetris Attack clone. They've so many on the game physics messed up that it pisses me off. Yu can tell that only mild effort was put into this game and yet I paid a buck for it. Know this, Seaglass creators, you are now my enemy and my competitor. Enjoy your sit ion while you can!

So that's all I have. I am thoroughly enjoying this thing (especially on my home visit as I do not have to drag around the laptop) and it was totally worth the money.