Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

It's been a while

Save the comic posts and podcast, it's been a little bit since I've written anything. So I guess I'll start by dropping this bomb: Hi.

Yesterday, as many know, I turned the magical 20. I can't even be called a teenager anymore, so basically all my ties with kiddom have been severed. Though, that hasn't stopped me from watching a cartoon I used to tune in to religously every morning: The Super Mario Super Show. The show itself actually isn't all the bad once you get past the fact that Bowser was named King Koopa back then and that the live action stuff oozes 80s. sniff It was a golden age.

Back to the present, however, I've been considering selling off my old NES collection and buying a used Xbox off eBay. The way I see it, not only would I be able to play Halo 2, but I'd probably soft-mod the thing and then I could run the stuff on emulator (of games I own, mind you). Also, I could use the all powerful Xbox Media Center (XBMC). The more I read about the thing the more I drool. It'll play basically any video/audio file you feed from anywhere (including the network). Talk about sweet justice.

In work related news, not much new. However, I believe I am going to become a lowly cart pusher. Now I know there are some questions on your mind, namely: But isn't that cut in pay? Won't you bake out in the sun? I wonder if this candy bar I found under the couch is still edible? The answers are yes, yes and you'll probably die if you eat it. Actually, three little words sum things up: shorts and free gatorade (wait, that's four...) But, I digress. I've always had more fun outside than inside and being stuck behind the register drives me insane (mainly the not moving part). I need to be moving and doing something. Take now for instance. My fingers are moving all over the place whilst my lazy butt relaxes in bed.

Well, I suppose I'll get to bed now. I'll try to have the comic finished and posted before I go to work tomorrow, otherwise look for it in the wee hours of Saturday morning.