Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.


Ah.... I sit in the living room in a nice comfy chair as I write this. Yes.. I got my laptop out this morning. I stayed up all night to do it, but I did it and DANGif it isn't a darn nice feeling :-). I've got a bunch of junk I'm going to need to uninstall (currently there are 14 icons down on the system tray :-P). But at least I've got a processor/RAM combo that can handle a bunch of stuff :-D.

This is a bittersweet feeling, though, because today is the day that all Christmas layaway's are due out. It's probably going to be a hellacious afternoon/evening but at least I'll have something nice to come to tonight :-). That said, though, it may not be so bad because we've got an orderly system in place. From what I understand I'll come in, pick up a car with somebody's layaway, get it and bring it in. That is a far cry from going to to get 5+ layaway's at a time :-P.

But, now I must fiddle with junk. BABEE! :-D