Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Let the Countdown Begin...

It is once again my weekend (yay!). Work the last few days hasn't been nearly as bad as it had been, but still icky all the same. This morning was rather interesting, however. The district manager came to pay a visit today and the place was abuzz making sure everything was neat, organized, etc. It's kind of like what most college kids do when their parents come over: let things slide till the man shows up.

But, anyways, I e-mailed my supervisor yesterday (yeah, I've got corporate e-mail. 'Tis cool) and asked him exactly when I'd be going back to cashiering, and, thank heavens, he said probably between the first and fifth of May. I'd personally figured on the sixth since it begins a new work week, but the earlier the better :-).

I'll be getting up early tomorrow and try to get my appointment in for the driving test again. Hopefully I'll be luckier than I was last week. If that fails I'll try again on Wednesday. I'm really itching to get the thing because then I work on getting my spice orange Chevy Aveo:

'Tis sweet, no?

I bought the new DS "game" Brain Age the other day and I have got to say it is one of the sweetest things I've played in some time. My current brain age is 28, 20 being the ideal, down from 55 a couple days ago currently beating everybody else who's got a profile on my card (Mom, Jeff, and Chris). I've also discovered Sudoku. I don't know why I've scoffed at it all this time because it's very similiar to MasterMind in terms of solving it. However, I still like MasterMind. IT RAWKS!!
