Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Let the Good Times Roll

Today is my second day of being unemployed. It's a somewhat bittersweet feeling. It's awesome not to have to have the nightmares of work hanging over my head, but on the flipside I won't be able to hang around with all the pals I made over the last year and a half. Not to mention the seemingly endless supply of money is non-existant now. Oh well.

What really sucks, though, is the fact that I've been sick the last several days. Actually it's more allergies than anything else. I blame the rotting vegitation due to receeding flood waters.

I recently finished Crackdown. It's an awesome game but the ending really, really sucks. It sucked so bad I haven't played it since. Originally I bought Crackdown for the Halo 3 beta (which I never really played much) but the main game is still pretty sweet. I probably will start working on Final Fantasy XII again or maybe Halo 2. Come to think of it I haven't even finished Halo 1. Oh, Xbox 360 extended warranty ftw! I'm no longer paranoid about using it.

Well, I have an important nap I have to take, so later!