Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Letting Go

My room has always been a mess and myself a bit of a slob. By Aunt May's reckoning, this is the way of brilliant man. I think it takes an even more brilliant man to realize that his shit hole of a room needs a thorough cleaning. And it takes an even more brilliant man than that to never let his shit hole get to shit hole state. I'm not brilliant enough to get to that point, but I did clean my room today. And then I realized - there's only so much cleaning that can be done when there's no place left for all the shit in said shit hole. That's when difficult decisions need to be made.

Decisions like recycling that pile of mostly broken computers that you swore one day you'd get working again and turn into a nifty little in house server farm...

Also, deciding that your really don't need your DS Lite, because you have an SP which can play your GBA games, and a 3DS which can play DS games. The extra system - while an extremely sexy piece of hardware - is just redundant. So, you trade that bitch in for $24, 20% of the price that you paid for it.

Or maybe that cord yarn that you bought because you were going to teach yourself how to crochet and make a stuffed Hobbes. Three, actually. One to keep, one for your progeny (pffft), and one to give away. Yup, just need to face facts that it's not happening.

Some things are a little easier to part with, though. Like a pile of old gaming magazines and course manuals from college. Goodwill'd!

And so, my room is clean and my closet is even clean. Hopefully somebody will put all my old shit to good use or if they throw it away, it won't be on my conscience.