Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Like Tears In Rain

In trying to come up with a topic for today's post, I decided I'd post about the entertainment I've purchased and have yet to see to completion. It's become a bad habit for sure.

On the left is the pile of shows I've seen, but not from the versions I've purchased. To be fair, the Lucky Star and Haruhi boxes were double dips; I already owned the complete series sets, but Amazon was selling the big ones for $3 (thanks for going out of business, Bandai). On the right are the shows I've seen only partially or not at all. A bunch of it I got during RightStuf's Christmas sale last year (I'm a sucker for deals).

Moving on to games, there are far less than the above movies/anime. Granted, this doesn't take into account my Steam collection. Still, a few items here fall into "haven't completed on this particular media" category, namely the Famicom games. Lego Indiana Jones I only purchased to hack my Wii U, so I doubt I'll ever play that at all.

You may recall some of these from my no internet experiment last year. Well, many have gone unread and more have been added since. The Haganai book I only got a couple days ago, so perhaps that one counts less. Making matters worse, however, is the enormous stack of Japanese literature I've acquired for that magical day when I can comprehend the language. I can read most of these (when there are furigana for the kanji), but I can't understand 99.97% of them. I have leafed through them all a fair amount, though, and a couple are really only art books.

So, it appears I have a problem pouring money into my hobbies and then not actually following up on them.

Perhaps this should be my new years challenge... to have done before 2014...