Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Many Comma Delimited Lists Inside

So, it would seem that I have already completed my first week at Winnercomm. I'm currently suffering from what I can best describe as culture shock. A good many things are polar opposite from how they were at Griffin. There's no phones ringing all the time, no boss interrupting every ten minutes and also it is very, very quiet. Like, I haven't really spoken to anybody all week and it seems (from where I sit) that there are no other impromptu coworker conversations breaking out. That part I kind of miss, but the quiet certainly does lend well to productivity.

I cannot say, however, that I still don't find the calm a little unnerving. Seeing how I've lived in a house with a lot of people for nearly my entire life, I've grown accustomed to the noise that comes with it. So much so, it seems, that whereas most people would notice the abundance of noise, I am keenly aware of its absence. But it's something I'd best get used to because I'll be endeavoring out on my own in just a couple of short months.

Yes, my own place. Something I've daydreamed about for quite some time (and still am doing as the time draws near). Thinking about how I'll arrange things, what kind of furniture and wall adornments I'd like, extra-house activities I can take part in, etc. It's certainly an exciting time, but also one that carries a bit of somber weight. Certainly, I've done this "moving away from home" thing before, but last time came with a fair certainty that I would be returning for some time. This time is it. The true closing of this chapter of my life and the opening of a new one with all the experiences that will come with. Like hitting the dating scene. That will certainly bring both some interesting, awesome and probably incredibly awkward moments.

And now for something completely different.

As you may or may not be aware (which would be sad if you weren't), Japan got hit by a big ol' quake yesterday. Now, usually I don't really "feel" much when these natural disasters strike. It's not that I'm cold and heartless (or maybe I am), but things Katrina, Sri Lanka or Haiti really only elicited an "oh, well that kinda sucks" feeling from me. I believe this probably stems from the fact that I have no real connection to any of these places or people (Louisiana even). But, through all the games, manga and anime I've consumed over the last few years, I've developed a deep respect for Japan, its people and its culture and I think that is why this disaster has touched me more than the others. That all said, my thoughts will be with these fine people as they pull themselves back together. I've no qualm in my mind that they will do so admirably.