Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

March Madness

I missed a few days, sue me.

The reason for that, actually, is because I was up in the mountains of Tahoe on a trip bonding with my new team. This was a great success as I got to meet many people and, more importantly, connect with them. Alcohol does that so, so very well. This trip ticks off yet another thing that has been planned for this month.

Next weekend, I go to Tahoe again, but this time with old friends. One of those is one of the usual ski crew, who is also bringing his kid this time. Joining us is one who's done fewer things since having a kid of his own, so it'll be nice to hang out with him outside the confines of work. Another is visiting in from Las Vegas and will be experiencing true snow for potentially the first time in his life. He's from Hawaii and then lived in Arizona, so the opportunities to experience the wonders of semi-frozen water have been few for him. These are some of the chillest people on the planet and I think a good time shall be had by all.

The week after that, I'm once again spending part of a weekend outside my home base of San Mateo. I'll be joining aforementioned ski fellow on his dream trip to golf at Pebble Beach down in Monterey. Over the last few months, I've come to enjoy golf as both a great opportunity to down some beers and drive buzzed, but also escape the nonsense that is my overactive brain. The sport itself is fine, but I enjoy the things around it vastly more. I'll be spending enough time down there to also do some sight seeing and probably visit the aquarium, which is a thing I've been wanting to do for nigh five years now.

Jumping back to this weekend, it'll be a bit more chill. I'm planning on getting the CNC machine back up and running and (with a bit of luck), getting that first episode of Hakk's Lab in the can. Even if I just get the CNC machine back into a usable state, I'll be happy.

So, yeah... March is shaping up to be kind of busy. I think I'll probably be a bit more chill come April.