Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

May 6th, 2006 - The Circle is Complete

Yeah, Star Wars VII is coming to theaters! YAY! No, seriously, it's only coming to DVD ;-)

May 6th, as I predicted, I will be back at the old register again. Thank goodness :-P. My sleep "schedule" as of late has been so screwed it's not funny. Also, I have yet to take the driving test. Tuesday and Wednesday I slept right through 7am and Thursday I spent my entire 15 minute break trying to ge through, to no avail :-P. So I'm going to try again this week and hopefully I'll luck out.

Speaking of circles, my interests seem to be changing again. The last time this happened was in 1997 when I was introduced to computers. Now I seem to be getting back to my roots in art... with computers of course ;-). The whole comic thing sparked my intrest again and I'm left wondering why I quit in the first place. I take that back, I quit because a) I couldn't get my frackin' pencil drawings to look like the book, b) I thought there was no money in it. I've figured both things out: pencil drawings suck, and I can make a killing as a graphics artist. I spent most of this afternoon redesigning my character in my comic and this is what I came up with:

Me in my "little vest"

Bad Ass Jedi Knight Matt

As you can see the hair is more normal now, the glasses shrank and I've switched to a harder shading style (the airbrush thing was just a pain in the butt). All this arty stuff has made me realize one thing: painting with a mouse is murder. That said, this coming pay check I'm going to invest in a graphics tablet.

Well, I've rambled on long enough. I probably need to be getting to bed here soon as there's another early day tomorrow :-P.