Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Prepare for a Revolution!

It was certainly an exciting weekend for those of us paying attention to TGS (Tokyo Game Show). The new Nintendo Revolution controller was finally unveiled. At first I was kind of skeptical, I mean the thing is a freakin' remote: Part of me kind of died because I've grown up holding a controller in two hands using super quick thumb reflexes to get myself around. However, the more I thought about the possibilities of the tilt sensors, the more I began to like it. One thing that I would love to see is a Star Wars lightsaber game. I was still kind of leery, but then I heard that there's a conventional controller that you can plug the remote into. Besides, I'll be able to play Tetris Attack, so I have to buy one whether I like the controller or note. Needless to say I really can't wait to get my hands on one of these and see how it works.

On the house front: A good 75-80% of the house is packed now. Mainly just the big things (furniture, appliances, computers, etc.) are left. Sometime tomorrow we'll be getting a dumpster and emptying the garage and packing the U-Haul. It's going to be a long, tiring week but it'll be well worth it.

As an interesting closer I post some things I've unearthed (either through packing or cleaning up my computer): 19 years later

And finally: Jack and Jill (flash)