Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Pretty pictures abound

In the downtime during my ever continuing quest for employment, I've taken up a few extra hobbies to keep from going completely bored. Some are more relevent to my future line of work, while others are simply for my enjoyment.

One thing that I've attempted to take up again is drawing. My skills currently sit somewhere between mediocre and decent, a stat I'd certainly like to level up. So, my brother Chris and I have periodically enjoyed an evening of drawing while watching the nerdy sitcom, Big Bang Theory. Unfortunately, we've finished the first two seasons and now are forced to wait a week for new episodes, as the third season just began. For the off days, BBT has been summarily replaced with Pinky and the Brain.

In keeping with my new found - and probably unhealthy - fascination with the land of the rising sun, I've been taking cues from the manga/anime style (much of which is fan art). So, for those who enjoy that sort of thing, here's a gallery of some of the artwork I've created over the lest month and a half.

[gallery=Summer 2009 Art][/gallery]

So, there it is. You probably noticed that there's a bit of a common theme to the above pictures (beyond the manga/anime thing). If you didn't, you lose five points and get no cookie.