Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Profile Pics - The Story of One Man's Beard

I recently decided that it was time to update my profile picture across the various sites I frequent. This is something I do, on average, every 6-8 months or more (I didn't really bother to calculate the actual average). Looking through my past profile pics on Facebook, I noticed something interesting: they convey a visual history of my beard. My beard is certainly deserving of its own blog post, so I will regale its tale here for the masses!

April 2007 - A couple of straggling hairs, but otherwise nothing. My hand does not deserve to be stroking a smooth chin.

May 2007 - At this point, there's enough hairs that I could probably have cosplayed as Detective Gumshoe quite easily.

October 2007 - Okay, let's face it. 2007 was a crappy year for the beard.

October 2008 - While certainly not filled out, the beard was finally showing some promise of being EPIC. Interesting side note - I had to Photoshop that smirk onto my face

May 2009 - Two years later, the beard is finally respectable enough that it can be stroked in deep thought and look awesome.

October 2010 - After 24 years of beard growing, I think it's finally gotten to the "You don't want to fuck with me" status. The shades help.

Some other interesting things to notice in these pictures:

  • My face is almost always pointed away from the camera
  • I get fatter as time goes on