Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

RE: As you leave home - A letter to my son

Dear Mom (and Family),

You would make me read something emotional at work. I'll get you for that >_>. But now on to seriousness.

The last twenty-five years have certainly been an experience. Be it good times, bad times or anything in between, you guys have always been there and, more importantly, we've always been together no matter the situation. I don't think I can convey just how important that has been to me, but I can certainly tell you that it has helped to shape my very core. Even just the simple act of eating together and conversing about whatever is something that I've especially come to appreciate the last few years, something I will sorely miss.

The other item I specifically want to express my gratitude for is your openness. Being open about situations in the family, open about the pursuit of my passions, open about your thoughts on whatever situation I had to throw at you. I cannot tell you how important it's been to me and my development as a person to experience the world for what it is, not through some rose-colored, sheltered glasses. Has it always been easy? Fuck no, that's not how the world works! But like was said, we learn from mistakes, be it our own or others and I've certainly learned a lot just from failing and I plan to continue to fail and learn from those failures in the future.

I also want to apologize myself for all the dumbass things that I've done, both as a child and as an adult who should know better. So, for every hole I put in a wall, every object I've thrown, every hurtful word I've ever uttered, every bear I freed from a baby mobile: I'm sorry.

You guys are the most kick ass family that I could possibly ever have asked for and I love all of you. I only hope that I can raise my own family to be a fraction as awesome as you all have been.

Rock on!

-- Matt Hackmann

P.S. I was trying to choke the life out of that cat. It doesn't look it, but there was malicious intent >_>

OP: As you leave home - A letter to my son