Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Return of the Daily Blog

As has been a semi-recurring thing for the last couple years, I will be attempting to jot my thoughts down once per day on this little corner of the internet I've carved for myself. Not sure what I'll say at this point, but it may be more serious and brain dumpy than the usual fluff affair. Or it may not be, I dunno.

I've barely even said anything over the last few months, so I guess a place to start is by catching up. I feel like my life has taken an interesting turn the last few months. Before moving to California, I was essentially the shining definition of a lone wolf. Wake up, go to work, go home. The only time I socialized with people was during those nine hours in the office. Now, however, I actively spend quite a lot of time (by my standards) away from home and doing things with other people. This evening, for example, I was at a friend's house rolling characters for an upcoming Dungeons and Dragons game, after which we played Munchkin. Pretty standard social fare on paper, but as stated, kind of a big deal for me. Add to this the biking excursions, evenings of drinking, and other random outings with people and I sometimes find myself in that spot of swimming unknown waters and having to figure things out as I go. I hate being in this situation and I know it's a major reason why I shy away from dating. When I don't know the rules, everybody winds up having a bad time, or perhaps a great time at the expense of my psyche.

But, whatever. There's more to say, but I'll leave this here to leave fodder for the future.