Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Skype, you get my eyes of disapproval

First of all, arm yourselves with knowledge: ARM

So, recently, my bros have had a couple accounts hacked (one email, one Steam). Fearing that I was next in line, I started changing all my passwords using the scheme laid out above: very long passwords consisting of easy to remember normal words/phrases.

First, I changed my facebook password. It complained that my password was "weak", but allowed me to proceed.

Twitter was all "dude, that password is very secure" and I'm like "hells, yes. They get it."

My bank limited me to 14 characters, so I said fuck it as that's the only place I use that password and my user name and banking institution would need to be known. Also, they lock my account after three failed login attempts at which point I must call. Whatever, we'll let that one slide.

And then we come to Skype. Now, Skype is the only program that didn't get a password change after my too-commonly used password was leaked (in md5 hash form) from one of the lulz sec releases in the spring. (Why I didn't change it, I don't know). I figured now may was well be that time.

So, I entered skypeissomehowmuchbetterthanvoip into both boxes and it gave me the green check mark of "you're good". Click the submit button.

Okay, I disapprove, but whatever. I'll roll with it.


18 characters, close enough. Green check mark, submit.


Okay, fine.

fuckyouskypefucky00 (hard to tell with Georgia, but those are zeroes on the end)

19 characters, with numbers, plenty long and certainly memorable. Again, green check, submit.

So, let me get this straight. My old, six character, one number, one caps password is just fine and dandy, but a long string which (yes, contains words, repeating even) isn't? Really?

Needless to say, I'm a trifle pissed. And as I write this, I still haven't changed that password. And I'm going to email this to Skype and tell them exactly what I think of this bullshit.

Okay, soapbox done.