Matt Hackmann


The thoughts and goings-on of some programmer dad.

Snowpocalypse 2011 - Beware the Wampas

Once upon a time, I used to enjoy the snow. My brothers and I would make giant snow forts using spare laundry detergent buckets and then spend the next several days pummeling these impenetrable fortrii with the meanest snowballs we could conjure up. Snow was indeed a wondrous thing, but not so much now. No, my time working at a television station has forever ruined snow for me.

For now "snow" means scrambling to ensure that systems are working correctly, driving many miles in treacherous weather or, in tonight's case, being pent up in a hotel some blocks away from my place of employ instead of at home enjoying good food and watching Death Note with my brothers.

One day I will no longer work at a TV station and perhaps maybe the beauty and glory that is snow will return to me. I hope so, because on the off-chance I produce offspring, I don't want to pass on this miserly attitude I've developed over the past year.